
Advanced Blood Pattern (7/1/24-Course canceled due to low enrollment)

Ended Jul 26, 2024

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Full course description

Dates: July 22-26, 2024

Time: 8:30am – 4:30pm 

Format: In-person

Location: New Jersey Institute of Technology, Kupfrain Smartcart Classroom 106 

GPS address: NJIT Kupfrian Hall, 100 Summit St, Newark, NJ 07103

More Information

Brief Description:  During this 40-hour course, practitioners will learn how to successfully analyze blood stain patterns.

Topics will include:

·       History

·       Fundamentals of BPA

·       Pattern Recognition and Classification

·       Fluid Dynamics & Mechanisms

·       Digital Image Examinations

·       Mathematical Principles & Physics

·       Standards, Best Practices, Experiment Design

·       Complex patterns, distortion, and sequencing

·       Target Surface factors

·       BPA Reconstruction

·       Bias, Error, Limitation, and Uncertainties

·       Case law, Report writing & Courtroom Testimony