
AI for Content Creation: Fifty Shades of Beige?

Ended Aug 27, 2024

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Full course description

Date: August 27th, 2024
Format: Instructor led Virtual Workshop
Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm (EDT) 
Instructor: Miguel Rodrigues

Miguel Rodrigues is a design professional who has worked with companies like Marvel, and creators like Stephen King What we say, how we build new worlds and spaces, and the tools we use to create our message matters. If you use generative AI tools in the same manner as everyone else, what you produce will be bland, noticeable and unoriginal. Your voice and your value will be lost. Join Miguel for a workshop exploring the benefits and pitfalls of using generative AI to communicate whether with words or images because when and where we use AI in communication matters.

Key Takeaways:  

Effective Communication: Learn the importance of what we say and how we say it, and the role of technology in refining our messages. 

Generative AI in Communication: Explore the benefits and pitfalls of using generative AI for both written and visual communication. 

Strategic AI Use: Understand the significance of when and where to utilize AI in communication to maximize its effectiveness.